The Drift of the Moment

In the incessant flow of urban life, connections emerge and fade, barely perceptible and yet profound. The murmur of the moment captures these fleeting encounters that move through the space like shadows – always in transition, never quite graspable. On the threshold between visibility and oblivion, between present and past, a web of invisible threads unfolds, briefly lighting up and then sinking back into darkness. It is the murmur of a moment that floats between times, the fleeting impression of familiarity that fades in the cool distance of urban space. These ephemeral connections reverberate like echoes at the edges of our perception and disappear before we can fully grasp them.

The work picks up on the omnipresence of social networks, reflecting their subtle and invisible architecture. As in real life, relationships form in passing, often unnoticed and yet deeply woven into our daily existence. Every connection is fleeting, but it leaves traces in the fabric that surrounds us. The noise of the moment reveals this fragile structure and makes it visible for a brief moment before it dissolves again – an indication that even the most inconspicuous encounters shape the social fabric.

The work was first shown from 30 October to 24 November 2024 as a reactive video installation as part of the group exhibition ‘Unord’ at Wissenswerkstadt Bielefeld. The sound is sponsered by the ambient scifi collective.

The Driftof the Moment #3
The Driftof the Moment #3